Dream Stadium, Sharing Excitement and Development of Baseball
For the people who love baseball, professional baseball stadium is like a holy ground. In the stadium, there are beautiful environment, great cheers, great games and tremor of excitement. We are hosting amateur baseball in dream stadiums, including, dome stadiums from each areas and Hanshin Koshien Baseball Stadium.
We are hoping athletes share their excitements with teammates and feel the greatness of baseball. Also, we offer the environment and opportunity for more people to recognize the joy of baseball. Our goal is to pump up the event with participants and contribute to the development and diffusion of amateur baseball.

Mission Statement
The professional baseball stadiums are dream places for people who love baseball. We offer the opportunity for the people who love baseball to play on the dream stadium where professional game is held. We hope more people would enjoy excitement in playing baseball and understand its merit. We will also contribute to develop popularity of baseball at amateur level.

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